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This page will contain all important Information regarding the RoBOW’12.2. Here is some background information on RoBOWs philosophy and its history RoBOW – BackGround :) Date: 11.-13.05
Official workshop mailing list (please subscribe for news and discussions):


FRIDAY (May 11)

Arrival will be possible after 3pm, when we will start settingeverything up. In the evening (around 6pm) we will begin the teampresentations. Differently to the last time, the focus will not be ona general introduction of the team, but rather on what your team hasdone (research, functionality, accomplishments), what it is currentlyworking on and plans for the near future. This should not go into toomany details, but should also not just be an enumeration of thetopics. The goal of these presentations is to provide everyone with anoverview which other team is (or was) possibly working on similarfunctionality. This should facilitate knowledge exchange and individualdiscussions later on. We would ask for a roughly 10-15 minute presentation per team plus5 minutes for quick questions. Please prepare your slides in Englishand ideally present the talk in English as well. With 8 teams currentlyregistered (if I am not mistaken) and a small break in between, thisshould be over at 9pm. Afterwards there is time for socializing and preparing for Saturday’s games.


On both weekend days, the morning is reserved for games. We arescheduling slots of 30 minutes each, from 10am to 1pm. This meansthere will be 12 games in total, allowing each team to participate inthree games. We will prepare a list on Friday so slots can be reservedin advance (starting Friday 11th). How the two teams decide to spenttheir 30 minutes will be up to them. However we will have to ask thatthe field is left once the slot’s allotted time is up, so the next twoteams can start their game. At 1pm we will organize some lunch (details and costs will be announced later).


At 3pm we will have some talks. As last year, we ask EACH teamto suggest at least two talks that they could hold. We will then put alist together and select three or four of these talks based on thefeedback from the other teams. Please send your team’s possible topic(and expected duration) to me by May 4th. After the talks, if there is time, we can have a panel discussionabout topics of interest. One idea is to re-visit the two yellowgoals, as most (SPL) teams by now had a chance to try this at theGerman Open.


In the evening, we will have a barbecue. Details will follow.


From 2pm to 4pm, we will have panel discussions on certain topics thatmay not be of interest to the full audience (but are open for everyonewho is interested). Topics are mixed team communications (more later)and the already discussed image database. We are looking for furthersuggestions. Official end of RoBOW 2012.2 will be on Sunday at 5pm.

Past RoBOWs

RoBOW’12.1 RoBOW’11.2 – Info RoBOW’11 – Infos RoBOW’11 Vorträge