NaoTH on GitHub

test member

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Verena V. Hafner, Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Burkhard


Steffen Kaden
Robert Martin
Yigit Can Akcay
Philipp Strobel
Markus Daniel Mayer
Peter Woltersdorf
Claas-Norman Ritter
Etienne Couque-Castelnovo
Sebastian Allmeier
Anastasia Prisacaru


Anne Heinemann
Tobias Hübner

Outstanding former members

Our team has a long standing history in RoboCup and so is the legacy of it’s members. Here are a few outstanding members.
Florian Holzhauer
Marcus Scheunemann
Currently scientist at the SEPIA lab at the Adaptive Systems Research Group and with the RoboCup team Bold Hearts
Yuan Xu
He is currently part of the RoboCup team DAInamite.
Daniel Göhring
He is now a professor at Freie Universität Berlin.


Christian Blum, Michael Steckel, Denis Erfurt, Paul Schütte, Dominik Krienelke, Schahin Tofangchi, Kirill Yasinovskiy, Oliver Welter (2008 – 2009), Tobias Herrmann, Jan Hieronymus, Alexander Borisov, Martin Martius, Alireza Ferdowsizadeh, Franz Köhler (2008), Christian Mohr, Giuseppe Cotugno, Martin Schneider, Dominik Krienelke, Christian Rekittke
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