All posts in category Events
Posted by Paul on Juni 18, 2012
Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.
Posted by Scheune on Juni 16, 2012
Posted by Denis on April 6, 2012
Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.
Posted by Paul on März 30, 2012
Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.
Posted by Paul on März 30, 2012
Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.
Posted by Paul on März 28, 2012
Am Donnerstag den 26.01 um 17:00 findet in unserem Labor (RUD 25, Raum 3.110) ein Infoabend zu unseren Projekten und Aktivitäten rund um den Roboter Nao und den Roboterfußball statt. Dabei zeigen wir unsere Roboter in Aktion, stellen Themen vor an denen wir gerade arbeiten und außerdem erfährst du, wie du bei uns mitmachen kannst. Du kannst dazu einfach ganz unverbindlich […]
Posted by mellmann on Januar 24, 2012
We won and lost once. Not enough to come forth. The Doors would say: This is the end Beautiful friend This is the end My only friend, the end Of our elaborate plans, the end Of everything that stands, the end No safety or surprise, the end Nothing more to say :(
Posted by Paul on Juli 10, 2011
We may not be at the level of Iran Open, but, we are on a good way on it. We beat Nubots in the penalty shoot out. So we made it to the next round. Now we are in a group with B-Human, Dutch Nao Team and Pennalizers. It´s going to be hard again… Paul´s […]
Posted by Paul on Juli 9, 2011
After heavy initial problems due to our infrastructure changes, we lost the first game 0-6 and tied the second game 0-0! So wo have to play in the intermediate round against SPQR Chile, Nubots or Edinferno. Let´s hope for the best and work even harder to win this game. At least we did better in […]
Posted by Paul on Juli 8, 2011
We are in Istanbul! The hostel is o.k., the weather is great (for computer scientists – that we are – it may not be too important :), we have cought a good spot close to our field and the team is highly motivated . We are in group c where we will play against Austin […]
Posted by Paul on Juli 5, 2011
The RoboCup world championship in Istanbul will be a great experience! We are all really excited and will do our best to win the games. Since we are changing all our infrastructure, it will be (as every competition) a real hard fight instead of a funny robot soccer entertainment. We will keep you up to […]
Posted by Paul on Juli 4, 2011
Begin Friday 20 Mai around 14:00 c.t. End Sunday 22 Mai around 16:00 s.t. … schedule location food Videos from RoBOW’11.2 Teams NaoTH FUmanoids Nao-Team HTWK Nao Devils Bembelbots WF Wolves Talks Saturday: Modeling & Planing Active Local World Modelling (NaoTH) Lokalisierung und kooperatives Tracking von Gegnern und Ball (Devils) konkrete Anwendung von Potentialfeldern (FUManoids) […]
Posted by mellmann on Mai 3, 2011
After reaching the semifinals in the simulation, we were kicked out by the BoldHearts which made the first place. Since there were 24 teams this is the unofficial world championchip, so this is really a good result! Offcourse we are a little bit disappointed – especially Yuan who was coding all the nights and did […]
Posted by Paul on April 9, 2011
…Nao Team Humboldt! …NAO TEAM HUMBOLDT! …NAO TEAM HUMBOLDT! It was again a very close game: we tied 2-2 and had penalty shoot out. The pitty was, that Cerberos had no goalie in the beginning. So after 2-0 we took our time out to allow Cerberos to fix their goalie… …we are so happy but […]
Posted by Paul on April 9, 2011
As mentioned before we had a real hard discussion on the semifinal game against MRL from Iran. They had concerns about a referee´s decision. They claimed there was a local gamestuck (one robot is doing nothing and blocking the ball so that other robots can´t find the ball). This situation then lead to a goal […]
Posted by Paul on April 9, 2011
We made it! All the details later. We can already tell that it was f***ing close! STOP! The opponent is challenging the result, so they are asking us to repeat the second half. We are really in a conflict. What shall we do?
Posted by Paul on April 8, 2011
We made it through the intermediate round and are in the semifinals where we are going to play against the Iranean team MRL! We hope to win and will inform you after the match. Until then there´s still a lot of work to do. As here for the goalie. Programming on the field for the […]
Posted by Paul on April 8, 2011
This morning started with the welcoming. It collided with our first game, so we could not join the whole ceremony, but only the beginning. Afterwards we had only few minutes to prepare the Nao’s for the game. We made it in time and tied 2-2 versus Cerberus. This is disappointing inasmuch as we could have […]
Posted by Paul on April 7, 2011
In the SPL we are in a group with Cerberus (Turkey) and the Dutch Nao Team (Netherlands). This was announced at the Technical Commitee. The procedure is as always: first every team plays against all other teams of its group. There are two groups. The two first places are directly qualified for semifinals. The other […]
Posted by Paul on April 7, 2011
The last days of GermanOpen were very stressfull and so we hoped to get enough sleep before starting in the IranOpen… Well, we arrived at 5 am and it took not less than 4 hours to arrive at the “Hotel”. It is situated within the olympic town of Tehran and it was some kind of […]
Posted by Paul on April 5, 2011
In the last days we all were focussed on the standard platform league. We had a lot of things to fix and so the simulation league just went fine without too much incidents. We reached the semifinals so far. So stay tuned!
Posted by Paul on April 3, 2011
We can´t win anymore BUT we still can save our honor and our moral is up again after the short breakdown! Since we get a crate of beer from the others (RoboEireann if we win against the devils) and from the devils if we loose, the party tonight is saved and as we have nothing […]
Posted by Paul on April 2, 2011
After a very promissing game yesterday against B-Human, today everything went wrong: One Nao broke its neck, another one crashes all the time and our motions were not as good as expected. The good news was, that the Nao Devils helped us out with one of their robots, so we could keep playing 4 vs. […]
Posted by Paul on April 2, 2011
Today we have our first game at 11:20am. So we decided to get up at 5am to fix some issues before playing. The problem is, that we decided to do that at 1am! So we slept only a couple of hours, literally. I don´t know what is better: to win and get to the semifinals […]
Posted by Paul on April 2, 2011
Here we still had all players in the game. Notice that three of our players were punished because of pushing, so that we had to play the last seconds of the game only with the goalie, which ran away right after kick off right back into his goal :D
Posted by Paul on April 1, 2011
If one only takes the final result into account, one might think, we sucked…but we didn´t! We were the first team which did not loose by 10:0 We played for the first time with 4 players (only the second half) and it looked not that bad. But as always there´s so much to do that […]
Posted by Paul on April 1, 2011
So in a few minutes the B-Human team is going to find out what it takes to beat us :D 16:30 is kick-off. Lets hope we survive the first half! All the results can be found at the page.
Posted by Paul on April 1, 2011
Dieses Jahr steht ein Jubiläum an: 10. Geburtstag der German Open! Davon ist allerdings nicht viel zu sehen: Alle Teams sind hochkonzentriert am Arbeiten und nicht am Feiern. Nach einem enttäuschenden 0:0 gegen Kouretes haben wir gegen die Bembelbots ein beeindruckend glückliches, lang erkämpftes und hochverdientes Tor geschossen. Nach dem 1:0 Sieg müssen wir aber […]
Posted by Paul on April 1, 2011
Here is the List of Talks held during the RoBOW’11. The slides will be updated as soon as they arrive :) Calibration-Free Image Processing [PDF, 13.6MB] HTWK Line Projection without Camera Matrix HTWK Dynamic Kick [PDF, 0.8MB] NaoTH Selflocalization FUManoids Potential Fields for positioning and opponents avoidance NaoTH Behavior and Strategies [PDF, 1.9MB] FUManoids ZMP […]
Posted by mellmann on Februar 28, 2011
10:00 Uhr Die letzten RoboCupler treffen ein Dem Ein oder Anderen merkt man eine lange Nacht an, viel ist entstanden, einiges wurde probiert. Der neue Tag soll gleich mit den Spielen beginnen. Der Gastgeber wird gleich sein erstes Spiel bestreiten. Mal sehen, was die Nacht gebracht hat ;) 11:20 Uhr HTWK Leipzig – NaoTH HTWK […]
Posted by Scheune on Februar 28, 2011
Der Beginn verschob sich nur minimal. Zwischen 9 und 10 Uhr haben sich alle Teammitglieder versammelt und der Workshop wurde eröffnet. Anfängliche Probleme mit dem Licht wurden mit vier zusätlichen Lichtquellen geregelt. Ein paar verwirrende Farben wurden eleminiert und die Vorbereitungen konnten beginnen. In der Vorbereitung der Spiele kam es zu einzelnen individuellen Verzögerungen durch […]
Posted by Scheune on Februar 26, 2011
Posted by mellmann on Februar 21, 2011
Der RoboCup workshop in Berlin wird von den Teams NaoTH (Berlin), FUmanoids (Berlin) and HTWK (Leipzig) organisiert. Jedes Team sammelt mögliche Themen für Vorträge, von denen die Mannschaften sich dann einzelne Themen herauspicken, welche dann vorgetragen werden. Diskussionen stehen dabei im Vordergrund. Des Weiteren wird es natürlich zahlreiche Spiele geben. Ein genauerer Zeitplan wird hier […]
Posted by Scheune on Februar 16, 2011
Today we finally got the official decision from the technical committee: Congratulations, your team has been qualified to participate in RoboCup 2011 Standard Platform League. It means, that we are one of the 28 teams worldwide, which are qualified for the competition in Istanbul(!). More precise, it means: bright sun, beautiful sand beaches, Mediterranean sea, […]
Posted by mellmann on Januar 7, 2011

In this video we briefly present the current state of our research on Nao related to RoboCup SPL. In particular we demonstrate omnidirectional walk, dynamic kick motion, player recognition based on SURF, percept correction and self localization.
Posted by mellmann on Dezember 26, 2010
We organized a friendly match last Saturday (20.11.2010) against the FUmanoids regarding to the lining up tasks and matches. Furthermore we could test already some recent changes against the vice-world champion of the Humanoid League, found new challenges and are pleased about efficient developments. The next test match takes place in our labor on the […]
Posted by Scheune on November 20, 2010
Nachdem gestern Abend der AutCup2010 mit einer Abschlussveranstaltung und Preisvergabe zu Ende ging. Wurde das Nao Team Humboldt zweimal auf die Bühne gebeten, um sich jeweils den ersten Platz für die Ligen SPL und 3D-Simulation abzuholen. Die Überreichung des Pokals für die SPL kam auch für uns überraschend, schließlich spielten wir außerhalb ohne jede Konkurrenz, […]
Posted by Scheune on Oktober 23, 2010
Der AutCup2010 an der Amirkabir University of Technology ist im vollen Gange. Wir sind nun schon den dritten Tag im Iran und stecken mitten in den Wettkämpfen – oder besser: Dem Wettkampf. Denn leider hat sich herausgestellt, dass wir das einzige Nao-Team beim AutCup2010 sind. Dadurch, dass wir in der 3D-Simulation ohne große Probleme die […]
Posted by Scheune on Oktober 21, 2010
On 25 June the world championship of this year in the robot football in Singapore ended. There were many German teams in different categories involved in the final games. In particular the Nao Team Humboldt (NaoTH) of the Humboldt university could reach the final in the 3D Simulation League. Around 11:00 clock local time the […]
Posted by Scheune on Oktober 4, 2010
The team of Humboldt university in Berlin won the first Greek RoboCup championship on 5 May. In the final they defeated the group of “SPQR” ( University of Rome) after a nerve-racking match with a penalty kick goal with 1:0. Because of technical problems external robots had to be lent shortly before the final game, […]
Posted by Scheune on Mai 12, 2010
RoboCup German Open: Lernen auf verschlungenen Pfaden RoboCup German Open: Bilderbuchpässe auf dem Middle-Size-Feld RoboCup German Open: Stuttgart ist draußen RoboCup ist ein Leuchtturmprojekt Der Intelligenzkicker: Künstliche Zweibeiner auf dem Weg zum Fußballweltmeister RoboCup 2010: Höfliche Einkaufshelfer, Absatzkicks und wendige Stürmer
Posted by mellmann on April 20, 2010
Posted by mellmann on März 26, 2010
Posted by mellmann on März 26, 2010
Today we presented the fruits of our week’s labour during the half time breaks of both the small and large finals of the Aibo League. People were once again very excited and can hardly wait to see the first Nao football game. Our small robot was already able to wander unaidedly around the soccer pitch, […]
Posted by fh on April 25, 2008
Heute präsentierten wir die Früchte unserer Arbeit der letzten Wochen während der Halbzeitunterbrechung sowohl des kleinen und großen Finals der Aibo League. Die Leute waren wieder einmal sehr aufgeregt und können es kaum erwarten, den ersten Nao Fußballspiel zu sehen. Unser kleiner Roboter konnte bereits rund um den Fußballplatz wandern und Objekten, wie zum Beispiel […]
Posted by fh on April 24, 2008
Today the BreDo-Brothers held the first demonstration of the real Nao. The NaoTeam decided not to participate at this demo in order to review a new development kit which was released on yesterday. From tomorrow we will present the new Nao in the half-time breaks of the Aibo League, as the new standard robot platform. […]
Posted by fh on April 23, 2008
Today we had the opportunity to speak with Bruno, the chief executive of Aldebaran, which was very productive. The French want to think about and implement many of our wishes. According to their own statements they are very thankful for our feedback. In the afternoon there was a further presentation of the Nao held by […]
Posted by fh on April 22, 2008
The work on our demonstrations has gathered momentum. We can now access pictures from the Nao’s camera, and are working on a tool called the MotionEditor with the help of which it will be possible to produce more complex motions. Tomorrow the chief executive of Aldebaran will pay us a visit, which will give us […]
Posted by fh on April 21, 2008
Today the NaoTeamHumboldt travelled to Hannover, together with the AiboTeam. In order to stick to a precise timetable we left Adlershof using one of the university minibuses at 10am. We arrived on time in Hannover at 1.30pm and collected the Aibo robots from the main train station, as they had taken part in a demonstration […]
Posted by fh on April 20, 2008