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All posts in category GermanOpen Magdeburg 2011

There is hope!

In the last days we all were focussed on the standard platform league. We had a lot of things to fix and so the simulation league just went fine without too much incidents. We reached the semifinals so far. So stay tuned!

The difference between pessimists and optimists

We can´t win anymore BUT we still can save our honor and our moral is up again after the short breakdown! Since we get a crate of beer from the others (RoboEireann if we win against the devils) and from the devils if we loose, the party tonight is saved and as we have nothing […]

Disaster versus RoboEireann

After a very promissing game yesterday against B-Human, today everything went wrong: One Nao broke its neck, another one crashes all the time and our motions were not as good as expected. The good news was, that the Nao Devils helped us out with one of their robots, so we could keep playing 4 vs. […]

Good bye good night sleep

Today we have our first game at 11:20am. So we decided to get up at 5am to fix some issues before playing. The problem is, that we decided to do that at 1am! So we slept only a couple of hours, literally. I don´t know what is better: to win and get to the semifinals […]

During the game Nao Team Humboldt vs. B-Human

Here we still had all players in the game. Notice that three of our players were punished because of pushing, so that we had to play the last seconds of the game only with the goalie, which ran away right after kick off right back into his goal :D

B-Human 9 NaoTH 0

If one only takes the final result into account, one might think, we sucked…but we didn´t! We were the first team which did not loose by 10:0 We played for the first time with 4 players (only the second half) and it looked not that bad. But as always there´s so much to do that […]

The moment of truth

So in a few minutes the B-Human team is going to find out what it takes to beat us :D 16:30 is kick-off. Lets hope we survive the first half! All the results can be found at the page.

GermanOpen 2011 in Magdeburg

Dieses Jahr steht ein Jubiläum an: 10. Geburtstag der German Open! Davon ist allerdings nicht viel zu sehen: Alle Teams sind hochkonzentriert am Arbeiten und nicht am Feiern. Nach einem enttäuschenden 0:0 gegen Kouretes haben wir gegen die Bembelbots ein beeindruckend glückliches, lang erkämpftes und hochverdientes Tor geschossen. Nach dem 1:0 Sieg müssen wir aber […]